Friday, December 7, 2007

Why a blog about regrets?

This blog is actually about hope and taking action, or not taking action.

My hope is that by reviewing those regrets I have, that I can take action and resolve those things I regret doing or not doing or at least learn from them.

One major regret is that I've seldom finished what I started. When I was 20, I had a goal of owning 2 Radio Stations by the time I was 43 in the year 2000. I knew then, that while owning 1 would be quite an accomplishment, that owning 2 would mean that I could duplicate my efforts.

I went to broadcasting school, and worked at couple of micromarket stations. Got fired from some of them and quit others for various and sundry reasons. When I watched the Howard Stern bio pic "Private Parts", I actually had tears in my eyes. Basically I watched him bust his ass in these same type stations I worked at and yet he kept at it, never let go of his dream or goals.

I can take from that experience to be tenacious and never give up on your dream. Detours will most likely happen, but never give up.

Feel free to add your own. Will be interesting to see what happens to me as a result of facing these and writing about them from a different perspective.